This page was last updated on Thursday, 19-Jan-2006 23:17:51 PST

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Thousands of students have graduated from our alma mater since it was founded over seventy years ago. With their diverse training, skills, exposure and expertise, the old boys can potentially join hands to complement each other and make valuable contributions towards making our alma mater a better school and our world a better place to live.

However the old boys are scattered in different cities all over the world, thus separated by geographical gaps. At the same time, generation gaps between boys who graduated from different years, real or perceived, tend to hinder efforts in promoting fraternity in contributing to the society and our alma mater.
The goals of the 2006 world reunion have been set by the organizing committee in Edmonton to be as follows
  1. Bring together old boys from different geographical regions
  2. Unite old boys from all ages and from different graduation years
  3. Bring harmony and bonding among all generations
Being a small chapter in terms of membership count, the Edmonton Chapter may not be able to accomplish all the above set objectives in one event, but is willing to take the first stride in this direction. We simply hope that in bridging the gap more boys will be moving ahead hand-in-hand towards a new era.

七十多年來,母校不斷作育英才。數以千計舊生,各有不同經歷與專長。若各舊生能聯成一體, 互補不足,定可協助母校茁壯及貢獻社會,造福人群。

可惜眾舊生散居世界各地,且多修業年代各異。地域界限與代溝亦成為「促進手足情誼」及「合 力回饋母校及社稷」之障礙。
今藉籌辦舊生重聚活動,愛民頓巿眾舊生極望能令不同地區及年代之同門聚首一堂、建立手足情 誼、締造和諧氣氛。最終令各人 越國界限、代差異,攜手同心、堅定不移、齊步向前、邁向新紀元。

「跨 境 忘 年 、 齊 步 向 前」 乃成為今次活動之主題及口號。望眾舊生共勉!

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