- Global Mentoring Program - a Feasibility Study
Leader: Constantine Au (1987)
Explore the feasibility of setting up a Global Mentoring Program:
- to extend the current Careers Week from a local & HK only event to a global mentoring program involving
old boys from different parts of the world.
- To offer assistance to both students and old boys worldwide, providing both (breadth and depth)
career advancement advices.
- La Salle Heritage
Leader: Mark Huang (1985)
Explore the heritage of La Salle College / LS Community:
- To establish the common La Salle core values that make us Lasallians and what
makes La Salle "something more". With established core values, we can better
unite fellow LaSallians towards building a better future for La Salle.
- To discuss on how the "historic heritage" of La Salle should be preserved, and
what aspects of the school's heritage should be preserved.
- To discuss on how the "historic heritage" of La Salle should be promoted,
understood and appreciated by young and future generations of Lasallians, as well as old boys.
- The Future of Global Reunion
Leader: Victor Leung (1977)
Explore the present Global Reunion:
- To determine if the Global Reunion should be adopted by all LSCOBA chapters and officially endorsed by
La Salle College as a recurring worldwide LSCOBA event where all Lasallians will gather to promote and
work towards building a better La Salle.
- To determine how overseas LSCOBA chapters and Lasallians may participate in the celebrations of the
75th Anniversary of our Alma Mater.
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